The Proper Way to Maintain A Bulldozer

We have introduced a lot of knowledge about bulldozers in our previous articles, such as how to use them, how to select them, the internal structure of bulldozers and so on. Today dozer supplier HBXG introduces the correct maintenance method of bulldozers, hope it will be helpful for you.

Track tension

For crawler bulldozers, if the tension is too high, the spring tension of the guide wheel will act on the track pin and pin bushing. The elasticity of the wheel tension spring also acts on the guide wheel shaft and bushing, generating a large surface contact stress, making the guide wheel bushing easy to grind into a semicircle and the wheelbase easy to elongate, reducing the mechanical transmission efficiency and wasting the mechanical transmission efficiency.

The adjustment of the track tensioning force is carried out by filling or releasing grease from the oiling nozzle of the tensioning cylinder, referring to the standard clearance of each model. Appropriate treatment, such as pin bushing tipping, replacement of worn pin bushings, replacement of track joint assembly, etc., is carried out before the engagement condition deteriorates.

Guide wheel alignment

Misalignment of the guide wheel has a serious impact on other parts of the running mechanism, so adjusting the clearance between the guide wheel guide plate and the track frame is the key to extending the life of the running mechanism. When adjusting, use the shims between the guide plate and the bearing to make corrections. If the clearance is large, remove the shims; if the clearance is small, add shims.

The Proper Way to Maintain A Bulldozer

SD5K track-type total hydraulic bulldozer

Track pin bushings

During the wear of track pins and pin bushings, the track pitch gradually becomes longer, resulting in poor engagement between the drive wheel and pin bushings, leading to damage to the pin bushings and abnormal wear of the drive wheel teeth, which may lead to hunting, flapping and impact. Greatly shorten the life of the walking mechanism. When adjusting the tension does not restore the pitch, it is necessary to flip the track pins and pin bushings to obtain the correct track pitch.

Bolts and nuts

When the bolts of the travel mechanism are loose, they can easily break or be lost, causing a series of failures. Daily inspection and maintenance should check the following bolts: support and idler pulley mounting bolts, active pulley teeth mounting bolts, track plate mounting bolts, track support pulley guard mounting bolts, and diagonal brace head mounting bolts. Please refer to the manual of each model for the tightening torque of the main bolts.

Timely lubrication

Lubrication of the travel mechanism is very important. Many roller bearings are "burned", and charging is not caused by oil leakage. Generally speaking, the following five places are prone to oil leakage: due to poor or damaged O-ring between retaining ring and shaft, oil leakage between retaining ring and outer side of shaft; due to poor contact between floating ring or defective O-ring, oil leakage between outer side of floating ring and supporting wheel; due to poor O-ring between supporting wheel and shaft sleeve, oil leakage between rollers; due to loose oil plug or damaged seat hole of tapered screw plug seal, oil leakage from oil plug; due to poor O-ring, oil leakage between roller and cover. oil leakage between the cover and the roller. Be sure to pay more attention.

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