Three Common Senses You Must Know About Bulldozer Maintenance

 As an important construction machinery equipment, bulldozers need to be properly maintained in the daily work process, which can not only improve the production efficiency of the equipment but also extend its service life and create more value for customers. Below we will tell you three common knowledge about Crawler Bulldozer maintenance.

The bulldozer track maintains proper tension

Maintenance method of the bulldozer: If the tension is excessive, the spring tension of the guide wheel acts on the track pin and the pin sleeve. The outer circle of the pin and the inner circle of the pin sleeve have been subjected to high compression stress, and the pin and the pin sleeve will wear prematurely during operation. The elastic force of the guide wheel tensioning spring also acts on the guide wheel shaft and the bushing, resulting in a large surface contact stress, which makes the guide wheel bushing easy to grind into a semicircle, the track pitch is easy to elongate, and it will reduce the mechanical transmission efficiency and waste The power delivered by the engine to the drive wheels and tracks.

Maintenance method of Bulldozer: If the track tension is too loose, the track will easily break away from the guide wheels and the supporting rollers, and the track will lose the correct alignment, causing the running track to fluctuate, beat, and impact, causing abnormal wear of the guide wheels and supporting wheels.

The track tension is adjusted by adding butter to the oil nozzle of the tensioning cylinder or discharging butter from the oil discharge nozzle, referring to the standard clearance of each model. When the track pitch is stretched to the point where it is necessary to remove a set of track sections, the meshing surface of the drive wheel tooth surface and the pin sleeve will also be abnormally worn. At this time, the method of maintaining the bulldozer should be properly handled before the meshing condition deteriorates. Maintain the bulldozer Methods such as turning the pins and pin sleeves over, replacing excessively worn pins and pin sleeves, and replacing the track section assembly.

Crawler Bulldozer

Crawler Bulldozer

Keep the guide wheel in the center

The position of the guide wheel is not centered, which has a serious impact on other running mechanism parts. Therefore, adjusting the gap between the guide wheel guide plate and the crawler frame is the key to extending the life of the running mechanism. When adjusting, use the gasket between the guide plate and the bearing to correct it. If the gap is large, remove the gasket; if the gap is small, add the gasket. The standard clearance for maintenance of Low Cost Bulldozer is 0.5~1.0mm, and the maximum allowable clearance is 3.0mm. Turn over the track pin and pin sleeve at an appropriate time.

During the wear of the track pin and the pin sleeve, the track pitch is gradually elongated, resulting in poor meshing between the drive wheel and the pin sleeve, resulting in damage to the pin sleeve and abnormal wear of the drive wheel tooth surface, which can cause snakes, flaps, and shocks. Greatly shorten the life of the walking mechanism. When the pitch cannot be restored by adjusting the tension, it is necessary to turn the track pin and pin sleeve over to get the correct track pitch. There are two ways to determine the overturning of the track pin and the pin sleeve at the site: one method is to check the track pitch is elongated by 3mm; the other method is to check the outer diameter of the pin sleeve is 3mm worn.

Tighten bolts and nuts in time

When the bolts of the walking mechanism are loose, they are easily broken or lost, causing a series of failures. Routine maintenance should check the following bolts: mounting bolts for support wheels and supporting wheels, drive gear tooth block mounting bolts, track shoe mounting bolts, roller guard mounting bolts, and diagonal brace head mounting bolts.



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