Operation Method And Use Skill of Crawler Bulldozer


Variable speed and forward and backward

When shifting gears, you should first push the throttle handle forward to the low-speed idling position, and then push the main clutch lever to the forefront to disengage the main clutch. Due to the action of the small brake in the main clutch, the power input shaft of the transmission stops rotating . At this time, you can correctly move the shift lever to the required gear, and then put the forward or retreat lever to the forward or backward position. After putting into gear, pull the throttle handle backwards to increase the engine speed, connect the main clutch steadily, and the Bulldozer starts driving.

When the bulldozer is driving, the main clutch control lever should be pulled to the rearmost position, not in the half-engaged position. Because the main clutch is half-engaged, the friction lining wear will increase. Bulldozer transmissions generally have 5 forward gears and 4 reverse gears. The advance and retreat rod can be used to change the direction of travel of the bulldozer.

When the bulldozer is working, it should run at the highest speed possible to improve the working efficiency. However, the driver should always pay attention to whether the engine is running normally. If the engine is overheated and the exhaust is emitting black smoke, the speed should be appropriately reduced.

Turn to

When the Track Bulldozer is turning during operation, the steering clutch lever of the steering can be pulled back to separate the steering clutch. Then the speed of the crawler on the corresponding side slows down and the bulldozer starts to turn. If you want to make a sharp turn of the bulldozer, in addition to separating the steering clutch, you should also step on the corresponding brake pedal. Generally, sharp turns are only allowed when running in the first gear. When the brake is not used, the foot should not be placed on the brake pedal, otherwise it will cause the brake belt to wear and increase fuel consumption.

When the bulldozer is turning, you should step on the brake pedal steadily to avoid jumping when turning. After the turn, the brake pedal should be released first, and then the joystick should be released. If the turning radius is large, there is no need to step on the brake pedal. When it is not necessary, avoid turning the bulldozer on the spot at high speed to avoid accidents caused by track derailment.



Ramp driving

Different types of bulldozers have different climbing capabilities, and the slope and terrain that can be adapted to bulldozers of the same structure are different. The driver should be familiar with the climbing limits of the model used to avoid landslides due to insufficient up and downhill capabilities.

Before going uphill, you should choose a suitable gear according to the terrain, the size and length of the slope, and you are not allowed to change gears during the climb. When going uphill, the bulldozer should run at a vertical angle to the side of the mountain slope, and lateral driving is not allowed on steep slopes; the blade can be lowered appropriately so as not to affect the line of sight, and in the event of a landslide, the blade can be quickly touched to the ground to help the bulldozer Brake: If the engine stalls on the way uphill, stop the fuel supply immediately, lower the blade and brake urgently. When the machine cannot be stopped on a slope, you should shift the reverse gear and slowly slide to the bottom of the slope (brake while slipping), and then start; if you do not stop the fuel supply and slide down in the forward gear, the power will be transmitted back to the engine. Reversing the fire, causing the air filter to spray outward. In case of fire in the event of reversal, you should quickly turn off the throttle and brake the bulldozer. Before restarting, check whether the shift lever is in the neutral position. When the bulldozer is going downhill, a low-speed gear and a small accelerator should be selected and the brake pedal should be used.

Through cliffs or rocky beaches

When bulldozers need to pass obstacles such as large soil packs or cliffs, they should drive up slowly at a low speed. When reaching the apex, the moment the fuselage is about to tilt forward, the clutch should be quickly disengaged, the front of the bulldozer should land slowly, and then the clutch should be engaged to continue forward. Do not drive over obstacles at an angle, and do not pull the steering lever when driving over obstacles.

When passing a rocky beach, you must choose a route in advance, keep driving, and make as little steering as possible on the way, and you should drive with low gear and low throttle. Driving and making sharp turns on bumpy rocky beach with high gear and high throttle are not allowed.

If you need to know more, please contact the Bulldozer Supplier



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